Sunday 28 September 2014

【佔中圖輯】佔領中環 圖說新聞

By Season Ho

Original photo report at

集會人士衝破警方防線,進佔整條夏愨道。 (何樂思攝)


海富中心外的集會人士嘗試衝破警方防線 (何樂思攝)

集會人士佔領整條夏愨道。 (何樂思攝)
佔領整條夏愨道的集會人士一直高叫警方開路。 (何樂思攝)

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hart remains confident in Hong Kong’s political safety

By Season Ho
‘I am absolutely an enthusiast (in Hong Kong's social affairs),’ said Clifford A.Hart in a talk at Hong Kong Shue Yan University this afternoon. The Consul General of the United States, Hong Kong and Macau, however, emphasized that as an 'outsider', he does not support any particular political parties or organizations.
Clifford A Hart, Jr.,Consul General of the United States, 
Hong Kong and Macau (Photo from

Being questioned about the recent protests and class boycott, the Ambassador said he has no worries about the safety of local Hongkongers nor the native Americans in Hong Kong, and he believed that protests in Hong Kong are generally peaceful.

Hart also expressed confidence to the Hong Kong Police Force for being 'professional' and "well-trained', which has the ability to deal with the current political activities in Hong Kong.

Hart believed that freedom of speech and press are the important 'fundamentals' of Hong Kong, and he expressed his respect to the HKSAR government in confronting different challenges to achieve universal suffrage.